WARA congratulates the Spring 2020 WARC Travel Grant Awardees
Thank you to everyone who submitted applications for the WARC Travel Grant this summer. We received an abundance of excellent proposals and regret that we are unable to fund more of them.
Please join us in congratulating the following awardees! We are excited about the work you are doing and look forward to your success!

Afoussatou AMADOU –
Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Bénin)
Project title: Therapeutic efficacy of the synergy between probiotic bacteria and plant extracts in the fight against food mycotoxins: product development.

Chu IWEH –
University of Energy and Natural Resources (Ghana)
Project title: Renewable Energy Integration and Distributed Generation (DG) in the Electric Grid; A Panacea for Sustainable Development in Sub Sahara Africa

Mamadou Laye NDOYE –
Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Senegal)
Project title: Evaluation of the effectiveness of employment promotion programs in Senegal: Case of the National Convention State-Employers (CNEE)

Christiana OWOLABI –
Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (Nigeria)
Project title: Efficacy of Soft Landscape Elements and Their Management Practices as Carbon Sequestration Tools