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Congratulations to the Fall 2017 WARC Travel Grant Awardees! We look forward to your research findings in months to come…

Thank you to everyone who submitted applications for the WARC Travel Grant this summer. We received an abundance of excellent proposals and regret that we are unable to fund more of them.

Agblegoe Benigan (Université de Lomé, Togo), “Essai sur le régime juridique de la lutte contre le terrorisme en droit international: Cas de L’UNION AFRICAINE”

  •  The project aims to study not only the evolution of the terrorist threat in the world in general and especially in Africa, but also the involvement of the African Union and the measures it has taken in legal terms to fight against terrorism.

Are Elisha Bayode (University of ILorin, Nigeria), “Modelling the impact of counterfiet drugs on the control of MALARIA-TYPHOID co-infection in Nigeria”

  •  This project aims to analyze Nigeria malaria incidence data and to fit to data the novel mathematical model for malaria transmission in Nigeria which has been developed, by incorporating the peculiarity of both the ecology and epidemiology of the disease in the country.

 Elh Moudi Moustapha (University of INRAN, Niger), “Amélioration de la productivité agricole en zone sahélo saharienne comme alternative à la crise alimentaire, par la redynamisation du recyclage des nutriments des sols dégradé ; cas des sols sableux de la région Sud-Est du Niger”

  • This is the ongoing research of facilitating access to fertilizers in line with the needs of the soil through recycling nutrients, specific to the South-East region of Niger.

Oboh Mary (Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal), “Immunologic and Genetic correlates of protective immunity of SERA-5, PfRH5, and MSP-3 vaccine candidate antigens among infectious populations of Nigeria and its implication for malaria vaccine development”

  • This study  seeks to evaluate the immunologic and genetic correlates of circulating vaccine candidate antigens (SERA 5, PfRH5 and MSP 3) of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) in Nigeria with the specific objectives of evaluating the distinctive short nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) involved in the diversity of the species using High Resolution Melting and evaluate whole and specific antibody (IgG, IgG 1-4) response to P. falciparum MSP-3, SERA 5 and PfRH 5 antigens in the study areas.
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